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FeatureSummary: Nathan thinks about the events that lead to his current location.
Rated: PG-13
Categories: Science Fiction > Eureka Characters: Carter, Jack, Stark, Nathan
Genres: Drama, Fluff, One Shot, Romance
Pairings: Eureka - Jack Carter/Nathan Stark
Warnings: Fluff, Slash (m/m)
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Word count: 1240 Read: 26827
Published: 20 Apr 2008 Updated: 20 Apr 2008
Story Notes:
This story was written in response to the Christmas in Eureka Fanfic Exchange. My assignment was to write for strifechaos (http://strifechaos.livejournal.com/), who wanted "UST, first time, happy ending (it's Christmas!), snark, Possessive!Stark, Oblivious!Carter". I hope that I was able to meet these requirements.

1. Insensibility by Meana [Reviews - 0] (1240 words)
This story was written in response to the Christmas in Eureka Fanfic Exchange. My assignment was to write for strifechaos (http://strifechaos.livejournal.com/), who wanted "UST, first time, happy ending (it's Christmas!), snark, Possessive!Stark, Oblivious!Carter". I hope that I was able to meet these requirements.