Fire Was Her Clock: A Challenge Response by Meana
Past Featured StorySummary: Too short for one.
Categories: Science Fiction > Andromeda Characters: Andromeda 'Rommie'
Genres: Angst, Drama
Pairings: Andromeda - Rommie/Dylan Hunt
Warnings: Character Death
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 400 Read: 14406 Published: 05 Jan 2006 Updated: 05 Jan 2006

1. Fire Was Her Clock: A Challenge Response by Meana

Fire Was Her Clock: A Challenge Response by Meana
Author's Notes:
This story was in response to a 5 min. story challenge posted on the Andromedfic mailing list. In it, you had to write a story using the following three words: fire, certainty, and clock. One of the words had to start the first paragraph, and the other two words had to be in the first paragraph. Then you wrote for five minutes straight without editing until after you’re done. When finished, you could edit. It was an interesting challenge. In a five minute time span, this is what came to my mind. I'm not exactly sure why, but it didn't seem to want to go further than this short fic.
Fire Was Her Clock: A Challenge Response

FANDOM: Andromeda
FOCUS: Rommie
STATUS: new, complete
SPECIAL WARNINGS: Possible character death
ARCHIVE: My sites: ...Mightier Than the Sword and Romantic Intentions, and at Andromeda Archive, otherwise ask first.
DISCLAIMER: This story is an original work of amateur fiction, and is written purely for private entertainment. This story is no way affiliated with any organization that owns an interest in the show.
SUMMARY: Too short for one.
NOTES: This story was in response to a 5 min. story challenge posted on the Andromedfic mailing list. In it, you had to write a story using the following three words: fire, certainty, and clock. One of the words had to start the first paragraph, and the other two words had to be in the first paragraph. Then you wrote for five minutes straight without editing until after you’re done. When finished, you could edit. It was an interesting challenge. In a five minute time span, this is what came to my mind. I'm not exactly sure why, but it didn't seem to want to go further than this short fic.


Fire was the clock by which Rommie measured time. With certainty she knew that the fire would continue to spread if she didn't get help soon, but help did not seem to be in the cards.

She watched the fire as it edged ever closer to her captain and silently screamed. If she could have cried, she would have. But tears, like all of her human functions, no longer worked. She was a broken version of her former glory. Not even the Magog had been able to keep her from helping her captain, helping her crew. A freak accident in slipstream was her downfall instead. Her crew was unconscious, all of her systems were going haywire and she was unable to regain control of them despite her best efforts, and finally her human avatar was nearly destroyed. The broken body could only sit and stare at her captain as she desperately tried to reach for him, call to him, anything to invoke a response from his unconscious form. Yet she could do nothing-her body betrayed her, no longer able to function beyond sight, and as she watched the flames continued to creep ever closer to Dylan's body.

Fire was her clock.

The End
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