Warnings: Language
Family by LittleMouse Rated: R Liked [Reviews - 1]
Summary: FeatureAU! Spike isn’t in ‘love’ with Buffy, but has told Giles’ the story of Drusilla turning him. He has the chip, but no soul. Angel’s in LA. Anya doesn’t exist. I moved forward the ‘meltdown’ of Spike’s chip a bit.     STORY: Spike’s little story of his turning isn’t the exact truth... Angel loses his soul - or does he? and starts gathering his scattered family. Spike insists that isn’t going to include him. He’s so very, very wrong...
Categories: Fantasy > BtVS/ATS Characters: Angel, Angelus, Original Character, Other Characters, Spike
Genres: Alternate Universe, Drama
Pairings: BtVS/ATS - Angel(us)/Spike (William)
Warnings: Language, Sexual Situations, Slash (m/m), Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 8 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 19950 Read Count: 7586
Published: 31 May 2007 Updated: 20 Apr 2008 [Report This]
The Gift by LittleMouse Rated: R Liked [Reviews - 3]
Summary: Past Featured StoryDrusilla gives her Daddy a present.
Categories: Fantasy > BtVS/ATS Characters: Angel, Spike
Genres: Drama
Pairings: BtVS/ATS - Angel(us)/Spike (William)
Warnings: Language, Sexual Situations, Slash (m/m), Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 8 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 22069 Read Count: 11298
Published: 31 May 2007 Updated: 23 Jun 2007 [Report This]
Duplicity by Alestrel Rated: NC-17 Liked [Reviews - 1]
Summary: Vaako expected retribution - for Kira's death, for his treason towards the Lord Marshal, for trying to kill Riddick. What he actually received forced him to reappraise his entire existence.
Categories: Science Fiction > Chronicles of Riddick Characters: Commander Vaako, Riddick, Richard
Genres: Angst
Pairings: Chronicles of Riddick - Riddick/Vaako
Warnings: Language, Sexual Situations, Slash (m/m)
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 11231 Read Count: 14154
Published: 17 Jun 2007 Updated: 17 Jun 2007 [Report This]
Summary: A day in Justin's life.
Categories: Drama > Queer As Folk Characters: Kinney, Brian, Taylor, Justin
Genres: Adult, One Shot
Pairings: Queer As Folk - Brian Kinney/Justin Taylor
Warnings: Language, Sexual Situations, Slash (m/m)
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 1153 Read Count: 1089
Published: 12 Jun 2007 Updated: 12 Jun 2007 [Report This]
Summary: Past Featured StoryDrusilla, in an effort to return Spike to being her ‘dark prince’, tries to change him back to the way he was when he was called William the Bloody. It doesn’t work out quite the way she expected. This story is slightly AU as per vampire lore, and Angel is Spike’s Sire.
Categories: Fantasy > BtVS/ATS Characters: Angel, Drusilla, Gunn, Charles, Harris, Xander, Spike, Wyndham-Price, Wesley
Genres: Drama
Pairings: BtVS/ATS - Angel(us)/Spike (William)
Warnings: Language, Sexual Situations, Slash (m/m), Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 7 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 18010 Read Count: 4542
Published: 01 Jun 2007 Updated: 04 Jun 2007 [Report This]
Summary: In the final battle between good and evil, Harry must defeat Lord Voldemort to bring light back to the wizarding world. But what if Harry wasn't the one to take down the Dark Lord? OneShot-SLASH-HPDM Psst... I suck at sums!
Categories: Fantasy > Harry Potter Characters: Malfoy, Draco, Potter, Harry
Genres: Drama, One Shot, Romance
Pairings: Harry Potter - Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Warnings: Language, Slash (m/m), Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 1914 Read Count: 19854
Published: 27 Oct 2006 Updated: 14 Jan 2007 [Report This]